RDF in Europe

Germany imported over 1.7 million tonnes of RDF in 2015
Current situation – Uncontrolled dumpsites
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Pellets of RDF


What is RDF?

RDF stands for Refuse Derive Fuel. (fuel obtained from waste). It is a generic term used to describe waste from municipal or commercial sources that is residual (i.e. non-recyclable mixed waste) that has undergone some processing that allows it to be burnt as a fuel to produce energy in an energy-from-waste incinerator

„Substituting fossile energy”


Developping energy in Europe (Austria, Germany, Denmark) - News from Europe The main findings from this research are that the input of RDF in the rotary kilns in the cement plants on the territory of Bulgaria would affect positively the industry, both in technical and in environmental terms, and thence – in its economic aspects. The more specific results of the established trends are: reduction of greenhouse emission and other atmospheric pollutants, in particular - of ammonium oxides;cost reduction for fossil fuels;increase of the efficiency of the observed kiln, as well as complete drop of the landfilled waste […]. (Source: Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 52, 2, 2017, 355-361 )

Waste code: 19.12.10 –19.12.12 (non hazardous waste)
Widely used and developing in Western Europe (Austria, Germany);
Already licensed and used in Macedonia for controlled installations;

Environmental benefit
No using of limited resources
Recycling waste
Decreasing quantities of landfilled waste
Decreasing of greenhouse gases