Sorting and Valorizing
Producing RDF - Energy from Waste
Production of pellets from sorted material
Controlled landfill
Alignment with EU and National Regulations
Minimizing the landfilled quantities
Ways of protecting
the environment
Valorizing waste to produce alternative fuel. Decreasing the usage of limited resources such as petroleum products and coal.
Valorizing energy fraction means decreasing quantities of landfilled waste.
Providing controlled fuel for heating (rather than un-controlled heating sources);
Local generated energy;
First Controlled Landfill for Non-Hazardous industrial waste in North Macedonia;
Promoting and Educating the environmental awareness of our Municipality;
Inert and Non-Hazardous waste
Strong Quality Control.
Waste is generated every day
Too often, this waste is dumped within the countryside, potentially polluting soils and water.
Too often, industrial waste is mixed with municipal waste.
Too often, plastic or tyres is burnt in uncontrolled locations, generating toxic air compounds such as dioxins and furans
Better for the Environment to dispose waste into a controlled location.
We need TOGETHER to face the reality
Do we want to continue dumping waste in an uncontrolled manner into our countryside?
Re-using waste = circular economy
Secondary material produced locally instead of import